Charlie, stop trolling the poor guy.

Ps : New fanart in the Fan-gallery!!

22 thoughts on “CHAPTER 19. P34

  1. James face is priceless

  2. i wonder what drama will occur next….😈☝️😈☝️😈☝️😈😈☝️😈☝️😈☝️😈

  3. Vampi McBloodsuckerson the H u m a n doctor

    As a vamp – I mean human, v e r y human doctor practicing human doctoring I just wanted to clear up any confusion anyone might have on the topic, see consent is important too of course but it’s only vegan if no human is bitten hence no flesh touched and honestly –

  4. Come on who stole my name

    I bet he’s allergic to peanuts

    1. Omg hey! I see you on Tapas all the time! πŸ˜€

  5. You know, Iβ€˜m starting to develop some sort of feelings towards Jones

  6. You know, Iβ€˜m starting to develop some sort of positive feelings towards Jones

  7. Comeonwhostolemyname

    Oh no is he also allergic to peanuts

  8. No James, it’s a satanic ritual to summon the devil. Also Charlie messing with James is so sweet I love reading the chat

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