They're calling ChARlie?! How UnEXpecTEd!

ps : Someone sent me this cute "Charlie in a dress" (we're starting to get quite the collection!) and I don't know about you but I live for the blush on James's face :p


28 thoughts on “CHAPTER 21. P09

  1. Well good for me, as any time before I existed is basically just old timey for me

  2. Paloma Clair Booger

    I get a feeling that neither James nor we will get it out way,
    It’s extremely probable for Charlie to ignore his request for a very loooooooong time, bc a weekend is a weekend after all.
    Still, if she ends up coming (which I really want) we will get a feminine Charlie and James gets ✨some blushing cheeks, racing heartbeat and an awakening of how awesome she is ✨ (or wood idk)


  4. This comic is my favorite!!! I just sent some fanart btw 😀

  5. Hey! Wierd question but what year is humor me set in. I’ve read it more times I can count and can’t really place it in any year maybe because I am a teen and not from any where in Europe. If some can tell me the general era, it would be good.

    1. Hi! It’s a bit like the place, it’s not a definite time and place. Like, it’s supposed to have a “vibe” of 21th century and the most “time-anchored” thing is probably that Charlie has known VHS in her childhood but that’s pretty much it 🙂 (very specific, I know)

  6. I feel like Charlies gonna say yes if she gets paid lol

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