Welcome to the spooky Halloween chapter! Please appreciate how in sync we are with the calendar (or not. at all. ah well, I take so long to update, we will be in sync at some point...)

Page 1 on Friday, as usual!

6 thoughts on “CHAPTER 20. COVER

  1. Yeah! We are to be blessed with Fall early!;) Thanks for creating such a unique and cool comic Marvin!:3

  2. Dear Marvin,
    I want to say I appreciate your work and dedication to telling a story at your own time and pace. Your comic makes me laugh, cry, and the frustration is real of the emotion you drive from your characters like James for example. I want to say thank you and take good care of yourself. You are amazing Marvin!

    1. Thank you so much for following this story and taking the time to comment! I’m really happy to hear it resonates with you and it’s all the fuel I need to keep going! ♥

      1. I love your comic! I agree with everything Alyssa said, and it’s so awesome that the comic is still going and I, too, love it! As well as all the characters!

        1. ♥♥♥

  3. Can’t wait for this!!
    Hi from the US 🙋

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