So many new characters o_O

25 thoughts on “CHAPTER 21. P05

  1. no_one_of_consequence

    To the point of Nimfdaspooder: it’s a good one. When James asked her why she responded as she did to Lucian’s ambitions, she answered that he was too young, but her general attitude towards showbiz seems to be one of distrust, and she seems very fond of privacy–especially since too much attention could reveal their situation and draw the attention of social services. That said, depending on the pay for the gig, she could find it difficult to pass up, especially if there’s a possibility of at least semi-regular gigs in the future. Nevertheless, the former considerations could very likely outweigh the latter. But then, as you say, there’s always blackmail; James has had some character development, but I don’t know how precisely what he might do in this instance, and I don’t know what Charlie thinks he might do in this instance. He could effectively blackmail her without even wishing to, simply on the basis of the power imbalance between them.

    To the point of ilovemyself: again, it is a good one. However, as mentioned above, if the pay is any good and if there seems to be any chance of future gigs, she might be tempted to reevaluate her career–especially since for all its steadiness, it isn’t really physically sustainable. Charlie is kind of falling apart. Modeling seems like it might be less demanding in certain ways. Additionally, if the kind of standby that James has been placed on in this chapter is at all common, she could do homework while working. Furthermore, perhaps they could be prevailed upon to let her disguise her appearance well enough that her friends and acquaintances would simply think that she bears a resemblance to that one-time model. In short, she could give hannah-montana-ing a shot. However, all of these are uncertain, and so if she takes any of them seriously, she nevertheless cannot put her full trust in any of them. This could be a good opportunity, but the choice to take it or leave it alone is not enviable.

  2. Also, these modelling photos are certainly intended to be published in some way. So Charlie would risk her steady job at the butler café for a one-time job if she presented female in the pictures.

  3. Don’t think this is gonna turn out how some of the ppl in the comments think, if James wants Charlie to stand in he’ll have to blackmail her again cos she’s against modeling and filming remember?

  4. You know, James did comment on Charlie’s photogenic qualities. I wouldn’t be surprised if Charlie gets conned into posing for the shoot


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