So many new characters o_O

25 thoughts on “CHAPTER 21. P05

  1. I think you’re all forgetting the best option: Lewis! I’m sure he’s got a wig for this occasion 😂

  2. Charlie? You’re up, girlfriend.

  3. While I like the idea of bringing Sophie back, I can’t imagine that she volunteered her phone number to anyone of the main cast. So they really can’t ask her on short notice.

  4. no_one_of_consequence

    As regards Lisa: it seems to me that while she is very good at being charming, in her characteristic way, I seriously doubt that she could pull off the “dead inside” look that seems often to be required of models. That selfsame look, however, is probably pretty close to several prominent items in Charlie’s regular repertoire of deadpan stares.

    As regards Sophie: I just checked the chapter where she nearly gets scammed, and James actually says, having only taken one glance at her, “I’m sorry but that girl is no model material.” Charlie is more complementary, saying that she is pretty enough, but is sufficiently lacking in self-confidence to get duped. While I wouldn’t put it past James to be rather excessively dismissive, I’d guess that she’s been more or less consigned to the depths of that eternally overshadowed oceanic trench that is the secondary or tertiary supporting cast, though I should take care to speak only tentatively, lest Marvin, in all the might of the author and artist, smite me dead for the hubris of that assumption.

    As regards Charlie: she certainly seems to have the necessary qualities and skills (control over her face and general aspect). Short hair may not be their first pick, I’d guess it’s better for their purposes than a half-shaved head, and is probably compensated for by Charlie’s photogenic-ness. As for the school rules about jobs, James might have enough clout to keep her out of trouble, and Louis might still have some sway over his father.

    And has been noted already, it just fits the story too well for Charlie to get roped into this. Also, consider the chapter title. It sounds like something she’d say.

    1. Mahah I’m having a blast reading your theories guys! (And you have such a lovely way of writing no_one_of_consequence! (I disagree btw, everyone is of consequence!)

      1. no_one_of_consequence

        Thank you very much!

        (Perhaps I should have chosen a different name, but it was the first that came to mind, and now I feel committed to it for the sake of continuity)

        1. Ahah I understand 😀

  5. It has to be Charlie, somehow. She didn’t fool the assistant, and it’s a veeeery good opportunity for James to find out she’s not a boy.

  6. Comeonwhostolemyname

    Everyone is talking about Lisa, but there’s another option too James might consider. Sophie! The girl that almost got scammed and Who slapped Charlie. She wanted to be a model, and didn’t James say she was pretty enough, but didn’t jave the confidence?

  7. I suspect that Lisa’s hair style would be closer than Charlie’s short hair to what the model had before shaving.
    Also, Lisa’s parents certainly would be able to convince the school to giver her special permission for the photo shoot.

  8. To be fair: Lisa could be eligible as well.
    Now I wonder if James got a special permit to work during high school… If Charlie gets photographed with James, there’s high chance someone from the school becomes aware of it

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