So many new characters o_O

19 thoughts on “CHAPTER 21. P05

  1. okay i know Charlie would be the most obvious choice but since she presents male what if Lisa steps in??

  2. If they end up hiring Charlie, with something along the lines of “you’re so pretty and feminine, let’s pretend you’re a girl”, I’m going to make this face >:|

  3. Hehe another “L” name

  4. Comeonwhostolemyname

    Well dang that girl reaaaaally dropped the ball

  5. Hehehehe who will be called???

  6. Bro! Pretty sure an impromptu haircut isn’t considered professional modelling etiquette

  7. Oh no! I guess we’ll have to call the extremely photogenic guy James was photographing! What a shame!

  8. Cue!! Charlie!!!
    I’m so excited for whatever chaos is gonna happen next.

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