Are you suuuuuure James?

Ps : We've got a new fanart this week! It's from the very talented Valrayishere_!


17 thoughts on “CHAPTER 21. P04

  1. Just a theory, either she knew Charlie a long time ago and somewhat recognized her, or the lady photographer recognizes the body frame and stature. According to my photography friend they keep an eye out for detail the way they stand and their body poses, male and females pose and stand a different angle and structure. That’s what she was referring when she asked James if he was sure this is a boy. The body frame and pose do not match a male pose.

  2. @Comeonwhostolemyname
    “Delicate” as in delicate physical features, not strength of character.

  3. Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh
    Jason Hides-from-his-problems… or whatever his name is.
    Because she probably would have met the Mom doing that

  4. Love the fanart!!! It depicts perfectly the relationship between them.
    Do you think the girl knows her father? But Charlie resembles her mother. Also, James is more dense than Tamaki Suoh hahaha

  5. The way I LITERALLY SCREAMED when she said “are you sure they’re a guy” oh my gosh- also I wonder if she knows Charlie?

  6. I used to hate James with the force of a thousand lightning strikes, but he’s alright now. Longtime reader here, for six or so years! 🙂

  7. Dang, the plot thickens. Who is this girl and does she know Charlie??

    Nice fanart btw

  8. Comeonwhostolemyname

    You did NOT just call the kid who works til midnight every day to be a single parent and STILL smiles through it delicate.

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