Let's hope your plan works Charlie but I wouldn't bet on it...

ps : SunnysideFries strikes again and made a new Humor Me quiz! This time it's to know which of the HM cast would be your best friend! (I got Louis and Fitz ex-aequo so I'll have both, thank you very much :D)


48 thoughts on “CHAPTER 20. P22

  1. Lol, Charlie, I don’t know how to put this lightly but you are definitely one to sugarcoat the truth hun.

    1. Ahahah TRUE.

  2. my name’s louie and i got louis 😄
    I wonder if Lucian sees their dad in James. I feel like both James and their dad give off the same airhead vibes. But only james can get away with being one because he’s still young.

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