Let's hope your plan works Charlie but I wouldn't bet on it...

ps : SunnysideFries strikes again and made a new Humor Me quiz! This time it's to know which of the HM cast would be your best friend! (I got Louis and Fitz ex-aequo so I'll have both, thank you very much :D)


48 thoughts on “CHAPTER 20. P22

  1. I sort of kind of love the way Charlie goes about raising Lucian, throughout the comic she’s always been very realistic with him, while also encouraging his more creative side (I.e the drawings or the “cake”), it makes a really nice balance. On another note, I got James as a bff- sort of the person I least expected lol (tho the desc is pretty accurate). I’d like to imagine most of our interactions would consist of arguments or my constant nagging, we’d truly make a disaster duo :,)

  2. I’m Charlie and my best friend is also Charlie 😅 lots of sarcasm going on I guess
    Also, I’m not sure if I ever commented this, but humour me is my favourite comic! I love the characters, the art and the story so much. Thank you so much for sharing it with us, Marvin!

    1. Thank you for reading it Akino!

  3. GASP, I got James. But it’s accurate lol!

  4. Not Lucian observing James like an antropologist…

  5. Omg 😳 I got charlie for best friend and James for me! 😂
    Keep up the good work Marvin 💪

  6. Aww James want to make sure say happy Halloween to charlie ♥

  7. I got Charlie!

  8. I got Fitz, and it’s spot on lol 😄

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