You think you're helping James, but you're really not...

20 thoughts on “CHAPTER 19. P28

  1. Does James think Charlie will just share what’s on her mind so easily or what. It’ll be a long way before she can trust him to such an extent. He also shouldn’t be pushing an easily impressionable kid into an industry that is unforgiving, especially to poor people. He himself has dealt with enough, but he comes from a rich background, and due to that has probably avoided the abuse poorer models/actors get.

  2. Gasp! Charlie made six rows of chocolate of five! *magic* 0.0

  3. I think the only reason James doesn’t see a problem with the industry is because he’s used to it. We already know he has to deal with paparazzi and the guy who stalked him before.

  4. I just wanted to say that I adore this webcomic to no end!! I love your art!!

  5. This comic is so freaking good I can’ttttt
    I want this on my bookself so bad.
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

    1. Thank you for reading it!

  6. I wonder if he doesn’t think the industry is as bad as it really can be, because he started off rich n thus could afford proper safety measures?

    completely unrelated side note: I just noticed the little giraffe decorations on the counter!! so cute!!

  7. We appreciate your help James, now you can stop

  8. Comeonwhostolemyname

    I’m glad it’s been good for James. But even if it’s not bad for HIM he should still be able to recognize that it’s generally very bad.

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