He's asking if she's free now, that'sΒ what I call progress!

ps : New fanart from Cookei! Loving Lucian's outfit!


23 thoughts on “CHAPTER 21. P10

  1. You gotta tell her it’s a paying job you dolt.

    Also, is the brand name of Charlie’s phone “DiNG” or is that an unexpected sound effect placement. I SO hope it’s the brand, I want a DiNG phone. Unless they don’t make smart phones in which case nevermind.

    1. It’s the brand :p

  2. I cracked up when she has his name down as Arthur Johnson πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. When I grow up I want to create comics like you Marvin πŸ˜”πŸ™Œ
    More than a beautiful art It’s so dynamic and alive, it have taste you know, like the Walter Benjamin’s concept of aura. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  4. Arthur Johnson xDxDxD

  5. I, too, make faces at my phone when texting people.

  6. Omg Lucien’s fanart!!

  7. ARTHUR JONHSON???? To be so meanie in a contact name that probably James won’t see and that is for herself is quite a sus detail that shows James affects Charlie more than she wants to admit…

  8. You draw hands so beautifully 😍

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