Thanks for the life advice James.

19 thoughts on “CHAPTER 20. P15

  1. wonderful advice from drunk james

  2. MonochromaticMatt

    That freaking smirk, LOUIS

  3. also, has james called her charlie before? i seem to remember that he usually calls her summers or shorty, could be wrong though

  4. I wonder the signifigance of…waaiittt Louis is setting them up! And he specifically didn’t answer his phone so James would call Charlie! Am I right?(Rhetorical)

  5. Omg james

  6. 😂😂definitely not what i was expecting, i love it, thanks for the advice james

  7. Comeonwhostolemyname

    Oh poor James she was talking about YOU

  8. Is it called a reverse confession if they
    1) tell you they do NOT love you
    2) tell you to love yourself
    Hmm 🤔

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