Well, that's not sad at all.

23 thoughts on “CHAPTER 20. P13

  1. Foreshadowing?? 0-0

  2. This is just an opinion, everyone is capable of finding love. Charlie needs a family more than a relationship and taking care of her brother is what brings her closer to being a parental figure like her mother. Lisa should date a person who accepts her for who she is, very likely she will date around and figure it out later what she really wants, as for Louis he will be fine because he will always be there for his friends no matter what.
    James, lastly, he needs to resolve this psychological trauma from the past.

  3. Me if I drank. Or went to parties.

  4. Comeonwhostolemyname

    I keep forgetting James and Louis are in college

  5. MonochromaticMatt

    Louis looks like HE feels embarrassed sharing this…?????

  6. I have a headcannon that Charlie gets crushes fairly easily, and im excited tk either be proved right or wrong

  7. Louis. Why? James doesn’t need you tossing all his business out there like that 😭😭

  8. Is this foreshadowing I see? Also, poor james

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