I'm afraid that's rhetorical, hon.

47 thoughts on “CHAPTER 19. P22

  1. Congratulations on your website! 🥳 If there’s an option to read and support a comic on their own website I prefer that!
    And thank you for putting in a cast page! Now I know who everyone is again and it’s cool seeing them in colour too.
    Thank you for all the work you put into this comic 💖

    1. Thanks for your feedback and support!

  2. Love the site! Reminds me of my Hiveworks days, and the summaries are super sweet.
    Lolllll poor James, though I feel like something might be revealed about Charlie during that chat…

  3. Wow, this website is gorgeous!

  4. James will be scarred for life

  5. I loveeee this new website!!! the vibbessss

  6. Comeonwhostolemyname

    Gonna be honest, was not expecting that one. I’m kinda surprised Charlie doesnt already have cake ingredients.

    Also the website is so preeeeettttyyyy

  7. Ooo it’s so fancy here… I am in awe of this website (and lucian’s ability to quickly manipulate the situation)

  8. I’m loving the website almost as much as I love the comic :))

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