Shiny hair, shiny shiny haaaair... ♫

28 thoughts on “CHAPTER 21. P06

  1. Re: no_one_of_consequence:
    I think if they underpay Charlie will also depend on whether James gains some common sense, realizes that Charlie really needs to earn money and protests on the basis that while she of course would get less than him, it shouldn’t be so much less (er… how do you say that properly in English?).
    On the other hand, Charlie might just know the usual rates from the time her father earned money with modeling jobs. That has a higher probability than James showing common sense, I guess.

  2. The shiny hair is *chefs kiss* gorgeous

  3. Charlie wouldn’t want the job, but given money is tight , she might feel she has to.

  4. @Lumose knows what’s up! Let’s gooooooo!

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    1. Whoah, super cool, thanks for the rec, I’ll probably advertise this webring on my “recommendation” page cause it’s a great initiative!

  6. WOULD Charlie even accept? Will the plot force her to? Will that lady recognize her? OH, WHAT WILL HAPPEN?!!?

  7. no_one_of_consequence

    There’s also the fact that they can probably get away with paying her less (I don’t know if models have unions, but Charlie sure as heck isn’t part of one). Not a good thing, objectively speaking, but slightly increases the likelihood of Charlie getting the job.

  8. So, do they actually call their whole database and – as unlikely as it is – nobody manages to grab the big chance and show up on short notice, so they call Charlie as a last resort? Or do they call Charlie directly because Xiuqing would like to kill two birds with one stone and test if Charlie is suitable asca model (vs. “just” a stand-in / lighting double).

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