Lucian honey, never change.

Ps : Here's a great fanart of Charlie by Mango! Doesn't she look awesome?



Pps : For those of you who use iOS, there's now a tuto on how to get notifications for new pages directly on your phone :) Head to the Notifications page for the full tuto (thanks Isla!)

17 thoughts on “CHAPTER 20. P11

  1. … What? …. What? 🤣

  2. i chuckled at how he kept saying love LOLOL

  3. Okay but the panel where she is holding him in the air is iconic- our girl has strong muscles now from carrying the weight of the world on her back

  4. It’s gold that Lucian is using the same phrasing (love) that she used on him the episode before

  5. I love Lucian he’s the bestest boy

  6. pff sounds like someone has an obsession with the word “love” lol

  7. Lucian is not helping clear the boy charlie lies. I wonder who is going to figure the other out first, Lucian or Lisa. As well as Louis’ reaction. (You really like those L names, huh?)

    1. Ahah it was not intentional but when I see the amount of L names and J names (James and Jason), which are like… my initials, I can only conclude that I’m unconsciously very narcissistic.

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